DoucetCreative Dev

What's on the disk?

DoucetCreative Dev

Welcome to my website.

Hello internet, I’m CD. Thank you for visiting my hub and hope you’re doing great. If you don’t know me yet (99.5% chances), I’m a creator, a designer and a human (I feel stuff, u know).  I mostly work using new technologies (because my hands are shaky and I just can’t get that CTRL-Z on paper). Oh, and I love making games and other interactive pieces.

Pick Your Track

I create

See what I make. This includes projects, work and experimentations.

I think

Sometimes, I like to write and picture how things can be. Nothing fancy.

I am

In contrast to this website, this page is only about me, myself and I. Check it out.

Make the first step.

Send me a message by filling up this form and it will be my pleasure to answer you.