My 2019 colours
Like every beginning of a year, I like to look back at the design of my website, and change it completely.
It’s a great practice, on the research side, of what kind of image I want to reflect this year. 2019 represents for me an important step in my progression. Indeed, next April, my academic journey will be at an end (for now?) with the intention of my Computation Arts undergrad, at Concordia University. Thus, I desire to change drastically the visual flow of my website.
While last year the website could be felt more delicate and subtle, this year is all the contrary. Enough with the light fonts and small texts. This year, the timid and serene appearances are dismissed and replaced by bold titles and popping colours.
In 2018, the visuals illustrated more my skills in 3D modelling. Now I’m going back to my roots by being more minimalist and geometrical.
Like described before, the colours used on the website are more vibrant, almost invasive. That said, I think that reflects well my enthusiasm that I have toward finishing university. Although, they also announce the coming of an ambitious project, on which I work day and night since last summer…
Before I conclude, some new features have been integrated to the website. Under the page Hypotheses, a Logs section has been added. This section will record the time I pass on each discipline/project I’m working on. The Logs will start operating next March and should represent summaries during all year.
More details to come on the project, named Interval, over the following weeks. A dedicated page is presently under construction.